I sadly Did not see a FR Post today....
but here are my picks for this week anyway:
Kings Of Convenience - I'd Rather Dance With You
Kings of Convenience - Know how
Kings Of Convenience - Misread
and not music, but I hope you enjoy:
Hello Friday Radio,
I'm throwing an audio-visual club experience this Sat @ Homeclub. Syndicate is hosting Low End Theory's DJ Nobody (Los Angeles) and we'll be doing video mapping on cubic structures.
As we do not have a guestlist this time round, I've managed to keep some of the special free entry flyer for this group. Please email me if you want to come check out the most exciting new sound on the planet. To me personally, this new sound is like a progression on the abstract hip hop championed by DJ Shadow, Dj Krush, Vadim with more bass and experimental music programming fusing psy-rock elements, dubstep influences.
Low End Theory Mixtape from DJ Nobody
DJ Nobody - Wake Up & Smell The Millenium
Low End Theory documentary trailer
Join our facebook page for news and updates too - http://www.facebook.com/
Thanks! and hope to see you all this Sat!
X Cherry X