28 June 2010

Friday Radio 18 JUN2010

Good Morning Friday Radio Land, hope the week's been good to you.
In true Friday "lets-take-everything-nice-
and-lazy" fashion, I'm going to post things a little differently.
And you can do this too if you have no idea what to post on F.R. today... it's easy!

First: Whip out your iPod.

Turn it on and get to the main page.

Select shuffle songs.

Now, hit play and post the first 5 songs that come out of your shuffle mode.
You can't skip if an embarrassing song comes up...no one's here to judge...
However you can skip if you can't find a sample of it online.

let's see what my lil trusty iPod lands on~


Are you curious to see what your iPod will play?
Try it now and post us the results.

Happy Friday!


Ok… my iphone is on shuffle, lets see what comes up:

Air - Alone in Kyoto

Kirsty Hawkshaw - Whisper

Nitin Sawhney - Letting Go

Ting Tings - Shut Up And Let Me Go

Happy Friday!


Cool idea! Here's what I got

Forss - FlickerMood

Bahama Soul Club - Kind of cool
BOSSA - Kind of cool (Bahama soul club feat. Bella) by bella wagner

Abdullah Idrahim - Calypso Minor
(No link)

Jaylib - bonus track #1
(No link again)

ESG - My love for you

Very relieved Ah-ha "Cry Wolf" extended version didn't come up.


and here's mine for the week. Tom- stop showing off your exclusive HTF tracks :p

See everyone on the dancefloor at RECLOOSE this week! he's so gonna groove!

Dressy Bessy - Left to the right

Silkie - Turvy

Bottin - Static

Primal Scream - Uptown

Sigur Ros - Vio spilum endalaust

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