03 November 2009

The VIETNAM Edition

Good morning FridayRadio Land!
Today's theme is VIETNAM. Let's start with a cheerful one...

"California Sun" - The Riveras (from the "Good Morning Vietnam" OST)

Country Joe McDonald - "Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die (anti Vietnam war song from Woodstock)

"Bac man tan cong"
(Traditional Vietnamese piece)

Mt St Helens Vietnam Band - "En Fuego"

= = = = =


Biblo - "Jealous of roses"

Gabin - "doo uap, doo uap, doo uap"

St Germain - "Rose Rouge" (remix)

Dkay - "fire" (remix)

Bachelors of science - "anytime she goes away"

Don't forget that Friday Radio works on you forwarding your fav music links so hit REPLY ALL and share some music love!
NEXT WEEK: It's baaaaaack - F.R. THEME TAG.

Have a fabulous Friday!


A blast from the past – or my past, anyway - and very informative, too:

While, here’s a classic from the legendary Jimmy Cliff

Btw - did anyone catch Jimmy Cliff here for Womad the other year?

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