22 February 2009

Friday Radio 20 Feb 2009 edition

Hey folks, it's time again for...

Friday Radio

"Neo Violence" (Shazam remix) - the tough alliance

(thanks to Gad - this song's too good not to share)

"The air we breathe" - The figurines

"Vitamin C" - Can

"Nothing to worry about" - Peter Bjorn & John

(Thanks to our new music bunny Edward!)

and finally, the song that has been stuck in my head all fr**king week

"Genius of love" - tom tom club

What have you been pleasing your ear wax with?
Hit REPLY ALL and share the sounds.

[Andrew's adds]

"Bowl Me Over" - The Acid Casuals

[Tom's adds]

My pick for the week:
Hudson Mohawke – Polkadot Blues

[Norman's adds]

Perk-me-up music with the late Curtis Mayfield.
Astounded – Bran Van 3000

[Ben Rosen's adds]

chillis in the 80's whe the were good

[Rupert's adds]

I'm a Friday Radio virgin so forgive me if this track is so Thursday.

[Firdaus' adds]

"Waterloo Sunset" - Elliott Smith

An acoustic cover of the Kinks songs, from a guy who went too soon.

"A Town Called Malice" - The Jam

It's impossible to not want to dance to this.

"Highways Of Gold" - Jaguar Love

Trashy, smashy fun from the new band formed by ex-Blood Brothers vocalist, Johnny Whitney.

[Tara's adds]

Well all
happy friday
here's a funny from beijing
the govt shot rockets into the sky to make it rain
and it snowed by mistake instead..for a week...and its spring....
very Avengers
have a fab fri and weekend! Hope you are all happy healthy and well!
lots of songs:
Management - Kids
Zero 7
Pageant of the Bizarre (apologies for odd video montage - all i could get)
Joy Division
and finally
Cat Stevens (old school sorry - i know)
Where do the Children Play

Rupert says: "Didn't realize Friday Radio included a live news broadcast from China."

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